Day 2: Internship at BBH

Day 2 was spent mostly with Made By Many, a digital consultancy company that is based within BBH and has worked closely with the business. They actually created Metrotwin, the brilliant social platform for British Airways that twins New York with London and treats both cities as a single online community. They have also done work for Amnesty International with Protect The Human, an online community for people with humanitarian interests to congregate and sign petitions.

The first person I met was Tim Malbon, Founder and Executive Director of Made By Many. He was a really nice guy who treated me like I was already an equal member within his team, which was great! He took me through some presentations and latest work he had done with such wonderful enthusiasm. I was then given a task looking into Paid and Earned Media looking at the difference between the two and good examples of Earned Media.

- Paid Media is basically advertising that you buy and have posted on websites to connect with people.
- Earned Media is media coverage that is 'earned' but not purchased.

Earned media is far more valuable in the long-term because companies offer services, allow consumers to interact with brand and they also offer information for free.

Good examples are: - Starbucks - Dove - Blendtec

Blendtec's will it blend? website has had proven success with its viral video's where they basically... just blend things.

  • The iPhone episode has had over 7 million views on YouTube.
  • The Top 20 videos have had around 50 million views!
  • Blendtec's sales have increased by 700%!

This is just one example of how valuable this earned media can be and there are many many more out there!

End of Day 2


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