Social media websites have been getting a lot of negative critiscm for not doing enough to help youths from cyber-bullying. There have been a number of tragic suicides from bullying, recently in Macclesfield a 15 year old committed suicide over bullying from teenagers on social network site Bebo.
In America negativity around social media is increasing. Novelist Mark Helprin accuses social media of everything from wrecking the physical economy of culture to destroying literacy and human conversation.
I believe that looking at the purpose of social media which is to connect with people, share content and information with others within the community. Social networks (where all the cyber-bullying is taking place) are more designed to connect with 'friends' online. Speaking for myself I only engage with people I know or have met and had good experiences with. People need to be more responsible with the type of content they share and allow people to view. This means not passing on private messages to untrustworthy people or adding and interacting with people you don't know or get along with.
With regards to Mark Helprin I believe that social media is actually improving our culture and is benefiting human interaction and conversation by making us all better connected. That is why it is so popular, people enjoy sharing pictures/stories/videos with others building on and improving existing relationships.
Tragic as it is, these terrible incidents are extremely rare and can be avoided if people seek necessary help whether it be from family or friends to combat bullies online. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
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