Woke up today feeling extremely ill. High fever, runny nose, sore throat and a headache. The swine flu bells were ringing until my mum told me to 'man up' and that it was just a summer cold. I chose to believe her and set off.
Today I spent the morning doing more research for the Imperial War Museum by going on Playfish.com and Zynga.com to study the games available to play on and how they work. Katie wanted me to do this as one piece of criteria from the brief was to come up with my own idea of a game for the museum website. So I spent a very enjoyable hour playing Mafia Wars, Bowling and Special Forces! I then thought about the separate sections within the museum and immediately though of 'The Secret War' exhibition which looked at spy's , MI5 (James Bond) and MI6. It had all the gadgets and equipment secret agents have used in past covert operations. A Mafia Wars style game using spy's and secret agents to unlock clues and enemy information came to mind with gadgets exhibited in the museum included within the game.
Also a game involving 'The Battle of Britain' came to mind.
The afternoon involved more research into how museums are using digital methods to engage more with visitors. I also thought about the types of content could be introduced to the website.
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